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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Be Collaborative, Be Innovative, Be Authentic

  • by Hope Williams

Training Industry — Once seen as a topic too taboo to touch in corporate cultures, emotional intelligence (EQ) is now on the mind of nearly every leader and organization seeking to be innovative, especially as newly dispersed workplaces moved into uncertain home office situations. Previously, emotions in the workplace were seen as unnecessary and even a hindrance to productivity and professionalism. Today’s organizations and their leaders recognize that emotional intelligence is a must-have for keeping employees happy and engaged, whether working from the kitchen table or the office, while simultaneously driving business results.

A 2019 research report conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services and Four Seasons confirmed what they described as the EI (emotional intelligence) advantage: “Whether in the C-suite or on the front lines, emotionally intelligent employees are a critical force driving innovation and enhanced customer experiences that come from a strong culture of empowerment.”

Reaping the business results of emotional intelligence begins with embedding it in your company culture. As Roberta Moore, founder of EQ-i Coach, says, “Organizations and personnel suffer when emotional intelligence is absent, because emotional intelligence affects culture.” Emotional intelligence opens the doors to collaboration and innovation in your organization that you would otherwise leave untapped.

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