Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can coaching help me?

    I help people…

    • personally transform the most important areas of their professional and personal life.
    • identify and discard what is not working.
    • learn how to change their thinking/communicating to act in their best interests (performance) and in the best interests of those around them (leadership) in a more purposeful, productive, and fulfilling way.
    • challenge their thinking/decision-making/mindset and find clarity on essential issues to move forward assertively and confidently.
    • exert control over their time/life and set needed boundaries to achieve a healthy balance in their many roles in life.
    • increase motivation and take action to reach their goals.
  • How can I know if coaching is right for me?

    I would suggest scheduling a “Discovery Meeting” in which we can meet, get to know each other, and you can ask me questions. There is no charge for this meeting. Use the link provided at the bottom of any page.

  • What makes coaching work?

    Coaching provides a refuge from everyday life in which one can confidentially process thoughts and feelings about themselves, people, situations, challenges, and opportunities to find solutions which include new ways of thinking, acting and interacting. Many people do not have someone who can ask incisive questions to create new awareness that leads to solutions. The coaching process encourages moving beyond the status quo or being “stuck” in the problem or challenge to new invigorating solution-oriented discoveries that empower positive, sustainable growth and change.

  • How long will it take to get results?

    It all depends on your commitment to the coaching process, the topics, issues, situations, challenges, or opportunities you bring to coaching, the results you seek, and your willingness to take action. You, as the client, are in the driver’s seat as it relates to creating results – coaching is the vehicle. Coaching brings new awareness that leads to new ways of thinking, acting and interacting. Finding solutions and taking the action necessary to create growth and change takes time and effort. That said, a committed client should experience small incremental growth or change early in the process, with more extensive growth or transformative change taking more time to emerge.

  • How can I meet you or ask questions before making a commitment?

    I offer a one-time “Discovery Meeting” in which we can meet, get to know each other, and you can ask me questions. There is no charge for this meeting. You can also email me with questions or request to schedule a phone conversation. If you are interested in scheduling a “Discovery Meeting,” use the link provided at the bottom of any page.

  • Do you offer coaching packages?

    I offer individually booked and paid one-on-one appointments; or six or twelve one-on-one appointment packages that can be scheduled twice a month and paid in monthly increments or scheduled as often as you like up to seven months in advance with payment upfront. I also offer a monthly subscription that can be canceled any time, with the client selecting the number of appointments per month.

  • Can you create a custom package for me, or for my company or organization?

    Yes. Just contact me to discuss.

  • If I cannot afford your fees but need coaching, can you help?

    Yes, as long as your situation warrants some adjustment and I have the time available. I provide 15-20% (and sometimes more) of my coaching time on a reduced fee or pro bono basis for those who are serious about coaching but cannot afford my fees. This is my way of “paying it forward” to those who invested their time and energy into me to benefit my career/life. Just contact me to discuss.

  • What forms of payment do you accept?

    My scheduling and payment software application accepts major credit card payments allowed by Stripe and emails receipts to you. This is my preferred payment method; however, if you desire to receive an invoice and pay by check, that is also acceptable.

  • Where Or How Do We Meet for Coaching?

    My coaching meetings are conducted via Google Meet, or other similar internet-based meeting applications. I also meet with clients via phone if they prefer, or if the client or I experience an internet outage or other issue.

  • Do you coach people who are not Real Estate Professionals/Executives, Business Owners or Corporate Leaders?

    Yes, I coach people of all adult ages and backgrounds as long as the prospective client and I believe there is a good match and I can help them. The areas listed are based on my knowledge and experience, which can beneficially enhance my understanding of the issues or situations presented but are not required for me to coach based on the coaching methodology that I employ.

  • What coaching methodology do you employ?

    My approach utilizes a person-centered, non-directive, and inquiry-based coaching methodology. Therefore, even when coaching individuals, executives, professionals, business owners. or leaders on subject matters in which I have considerable experience and knowledge, I am not interacting with the client as an expert to direct their efforts or drive their decisions. My experience and knowledge enhance my understanding of the client, their situation or issue, and what they are, or are not communicating (below the surface). My role as a coach is to employ incisive questions, reflections, and observations to guide the client in self-directed reflection, discovery, learning, and problem-solving. I both support and challenge the client towards a purposeful, solutions-focused path to create sustainable growth or change with self-determined accountability.

  • Can you coach on issues that are not work/career related?

    Yes. I coach the “whole” person which may include but is not limited to work, family, personal, relational, spiritual, and social as they may present themselves in the subject matter on which the client desires to focus. For example, a person's work life affects their personal life and vice versa. Therefore, without consideration of how one might affect the other could limit the ability to create the growth or change desired by the client.

  • Why did you become a coach?

    Coaching allows me to continue to utilize my experience and knowledge to positively impact the lives of others after selling my real estate company. During the majority of my thirty-six-year career, my main focus was leading, teaching, mentoring, and coaching real estate professionals to help them create and build successful careers. Through coaching, I can continue this focus while expanding beyond the real estate industry to work with professionals, business owners, and corporate leaders from other sectors who desire to move beyond the status quo and create more purposeful, productive, and fulfilling careers/lives.