5 Great Reasons Why You Should Get an Executive Coach
- by Gordon Tredgold
Inc.com — Executive coaching was not something I ever saw myself either signing up for, as I was always of the impression that only poor performers or under performers needed coaching and I never saw myself in that category.
That all changed around ten years ago when DHL decided that coaching was going to be a key part of their leadership development.
To be honest, I wasn't convinced that this was going to be of much benefit because at the time I was leading a $100m It program, and the coach assigned to me had never led a small project, let alone a large complex international change program, but this turned out to be one of the pivotal moments in my career, one that instrumental in helping me move from Director level to Senior Vice President. Since then I have always looked to work with a coach, have sought our former coaches whenever I have been in need, and have now moved into the Executive coaching space myself as I can clearly see the benefits that it can bring.