My Message to You

Tracy Nowell - My MessagePlease take a few minutes and ask yourself the following questions to see where your thoughts lead you —

  • What would it be like if you were confident that you were on the right path, doing the right things in the right way?
  • What would that look like, feel like?
  • What would be different from today?
  • How might this future vision change your current perspective on your work, relationships, personal life, family life, social life, or spiritual life?
  • How might achieving this vision change how you think or feel about yourself; or what others think or feel about you?
  • What would it be worth to you to achieve this vision?

I have spent the better part of three decades helping people establish and build careers, develop skills, create businesses, solve problems, resolve conflict, develop relationships, manage success and lead more purposeful, productive and fulfilling lives. I didn’t plan it that way. It just happened. I discovered that at my core, I’m a coach – someone who loves to help others accomplish their goals and realize their dreams while also helping them deal with the challenges or problems that surface along the way. It’s something I innately do without even thinking about it. And it is something that I cannot, not do. But, as a result, I get energy, find purpose and gain fulfillment from it. And energy, purpose and fulfillment are the same things I hope to help others discover and experience.

It can be a CEO, small business owner, leader, manager, employee or independent contractor. It can be a young adult, midlifer, or senior. It makes no difference as long as I can help someone and hopefully make a positive and lasting impact in their life.

Reaching full potential requires focusing on the fundamentals of how life/business/relationships work, where and how we fit, what and how we think, what we do and how we interact. Reaching full potential is where we experience true fulfillment, driven by alignment with what's important, our values and personal satisfaction.

I don’t offer one-size-fits-all programs. I don’t offer proprietary systems that you can adopt to make you successful. I haven’t written a book. I am not a keynote speaker. So if you are looking for those things, I am not your guy.

I am purely a coach that focuses on understanding where you are today, what you desire to change, and how to help get you where you want to be in the future, personally and professionally. I help you design and implement a plan that precisely fits you - to become the person you want to be and accomplish what you envision.

To put it simply, I help people step-by-step with the fundamentals to change their lives, reach their goals and, hopefully, realize their dreams. And if what I offer fits your needs, let's talk.

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