Take action

Having hopes, desires and dreams are good things, but without taking action, they become unfulfilled hopes, unmet desires, and unrealized dreams. Performing thorough analysis, employing a sound decision process, and developing concrete plans without taking action, becomes merely an exercise in thought. When faced with issues, situations, challenges or opportunities that appear daunting, it may be very tempting to delay or sidestep taking action while following a path that leads to nowhere.

Coaching is about creating results through development, change or growth. Development, change, or growth requires taking action. Coaching can prepare a client for taking action through the creation of incremental action steps or experiments that generate forward progress towards established goals with self- determined accountability. It can help break through roadblocks that can stifle progress, identify resources needed to move forward, and aid in making course corrections based on real-time learning.

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. — Michael Jordan, NBA legend