Challenge thinking and mindset

It can be lonely or isolating at the top. Listening to an “echo chamber” that reflects or reinforces but does not challenge thinking can have limited value. Many leaders, including C-level executives, entrepreneurs or business owners, may not have someone that can act as a “sounding board” while providing a confidential forum to challenge their thinking and mindset. Moreover, people from all walks of life could benefit from having a personal sounding board.

The coaching process provides a confidential, non-judgmental, and unbiased forum for reflective thinking about real-time decisions, issues, problems or opportunities. It challenges reflective thinking through the use of incisive questions and observations to clarify thought, broaden vision, and identify blind spots while opening the door to refreshed thought processing, creativity and ideation.

Follow effective actions with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. — Peter F. Drucker, Management Consultant and Author